Angel Loan Fund
Minnesota's Angel Loan Fund Program (ALF) provides an additional funding option for businesses certified to participate in Minnesota's Angel Tax Credit Program.
The program provides a direct loan for 10 percent of the total amount of equity investment received in the business' approved funding round. Only one loan may be issued to each business for the duration of the ALF. At least one equity investment must be made by an investor that is both certified by the MN Angel Tax Credit Program and qualified as an Accredited Investor per the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission under Rule 501 of Regulation D. However, the total equity investment attained for the round is not exclusive to investments made to meet the requirements of the Angel Tax Credit Program.
Eligible Applicants
Businesses certified to participate in the Angel Tax Credit Program during any of the program years with fewer than 500 employees.
Eligible Use of Funds
Funds may be used for start-up costs, working capital, business acquisitions and expansions, franchise financing, equipment loans, inventory financing, construction, and commercial, non-passive real estate acquisitions.
Maximum Available
10 percent of equity raised after program enrollment; $20,000 minimum loan amount, $250,000 maximum.
Interest Rates and Terms
Zero-percent interest, seven-year term, non-recourse, deferred, with a balloon. If the business is sold during the term, business will submit risk mitigation fee compensation equal to 30 percent of the original loan principal.
Application Process
- Business obtains Minnesota Angel Tax Credit Program Certification during any of the program years.
- Business submits the ALF Business Enrollment Application Form and required supporting documents to DEED.
- Business receives ALF Acceptance Letter from DEED outlining maximum loan amount and eligible funding round beginning and end dates. Do not accept any funds until you receive official notice that you've been approved to participate in the program.
- Business submits the ALF Proof of Investment and Loan Request Form and supporting documents, once maximum investment has been raised during the eligible funding round.
- Business submits signed ALF Loan Agreement, ALF Promissory Note, and ALF Sales Proceeds Agreement.
- DEED distributes loan proceeds.
Application and Forms
Select the links below to view, download or print these forms:
Funding Map
Use the interactive map to see where Angel Loan fund projects are located throughout Minnesota.
You can see the amount of the awards, project costs, new jobs created, average wages and more for each project and download the data.
For More Information
Abdullahi (Moe) Mohamed
651-259-7456 or 800-657-3858
MN State Programs MN State Programs