Taking Action to Support Local Business and Community Growth
June 5, 2017
A strong and resilient regional economy is like a three-legged stool with the for- and non-profit sectors and private philanthropy representing each leg. If any one of these legs is missing or weak, the entire structure is endangered.
That’s why we’re lucky here in Todd County, MN to enjoy the support of the Initiative Foundation. Founded in 1986, this organization has invested millions of dollars in Central Minnesota communities through programs designed to build economic resilience for businesses and families in our region.
Through grants to nonprofit organizations and lending for entrepreneurs, the foundation makes a real difference every day. The organization also offers a wide variety of training programs, placing emphasis on green and technology-focused businesses. Additionally, the foundation supports a diverse array of applicants and encourages nontraditional business owners to apply for funding. Take a peek at this link to learn more.