Little Sauk Township

Town Hall Location: 18024 211th Ave.

Little Sauk Twp Address Map

Chairperson: David Drager
22552 County 6
Long Prairie, MN 56347

Clerk: Pete Jager
18557 County 11
Long Prairie, MN 56347

* Township Board Meetings are held the 1st Monday of each month at the Little Sauk Town Hall, 8:00PM
* Annual Township Election & Meeting is held the 2nd Tuesday in March, Poll open 5:00 - 8:00 PM
(Annual Meeting follows at 8:15PM)
* November Elections 
are held the 1st Tuesday in November 7:00AM - 8:00PM

Little Sauk Township: 1881, named after Little Sauk stream.

Ambulance Service Areas Map 
Fire Service Areas Map 
School District Areas Map 
Township Roads Map 
Little Sauk 2003 air photo